Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer 2
(Winter Wonderland)
Anne Harmon - Inkinginred
Vicky Gould - Village Stamper Ramblings
(12 Days of Christmas - 2 Turtle Doves)
( We three kings of Orient are )

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio
(Joy to the World)

Lois Bak - Clownmom Creations
(Little Drummer Boy)
Liz Williams - right brain madness
(Hark, the Herald Angels sing)
Lynn McAuley - Confessions of a Left-Brained Stamper
Kelly - Sandcastlestamper (Joy to the World!)
Hi Ladies! It's about time I join in the fun, don't you think?
Super DT Creations, Hazel xx
Thank you for all the beautiful creation,fab challenge.
Hugs Babs x
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