Thursday, July 31, 2014

CCEE1431 Song Inspiration

Hi all,

Shirley brings us her last challenge for the month this week, I hope you have enjoyed playing along with her challenges.

This week the challenge is .... Make a card that is related to a song title.

Please join us and link your card up using the Inlinkz tool at the bottom of this post. If you upload to another site such as Splitcoaststampers, please add CCEE1429 to your keywords.

Now let's see what the Design Team came up with for this week.

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer
Song -- Oscar Winning 'High Hopes')

Vicky Gould - Village Stamper Ramblings
(Ebb Tide)

Anne Harmon - Inkinginred
(I Love Paris)

Lois Bak - Clownmom Creations
(You're the Cream in My Coffee)

Sabrina Friel ~ SCS Gallery


Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio
(Do You Want To Build A Snowman? from the movie Frozen)

Liz Williams - Right Brain Madness

Maryann Einam - stamping on greens
Song : Funny Face from the movie with the same title.

Lynn McAuley - Confessions of a Left-Brained Stamper
Classic Christmas Carol - We Three Kings

Amber Hillman - Amber's Antics
{These boots were made for walking}

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