Thursday, June 26, 2014

CCEE1426 Sunglasses

Anne here for my last challenge.  I chose the theme Sunglasses.

Now that the sun is directly overhead, we all need to be protecting our peepers, right Joanne?  Please make a card that  uses sunglasses.

Please join us and link your card up using the Inlinkz tool at the bottom of this post. If you upload to another site such as Splitcoaststampers, please add CCEE1426 to your keywords.

Now let's see what the Design Team came up with for this week.

Anne Harmon - Inkinginred

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

1 comment:

  1. With over 3,000 would think I had at least one sunglasses in the bunch...who knew...LOL...have fun everyone.

    Stampin' HUGZ
